Thursday, November 10, 2011


So much for the best laid plans.  When I woke up early Wednesday morning I had an vague idea that I wasn't getting on a plane with one red, weepy eye, and a tummy in turmoil.  I showered, got dressed as if I were going to the airport, and proceeded to call Aeroplan to cancel my flight.  They aren't open at 05:30.  At 07:00 they were open but their computers were down.  At 07:40 their computers were still down but Therese kindly said she would make a note on my file that I had called.  At 09:00 Sandy advised that the computers were up, but because I had printed off a boarding pass the night before, I had to go into the system to cancel it.  Well, guess what?  At less than an hour to take off, the system didn't want to cooperate.  She said not to worry.  I would be counted as a no-show and to call back later the in the morning to sort our a new plan.  She too had been suffering with a cold and was very empathetic. 

The remainder of the morning was spent at the Walk-in Clinic in NOTL getting checked over.  No respiratory problems or pneumonia brewing.  Just a classic case of pink eye and lots of anxiety.    The Dr. assured me I'd be a-okay for travel by Friday.  Diane at Aeroplan and I came up with Plan B which will get me to Bangkok on Sunday morning in time to meet Robin at the airport for our connecting flight to Luang Prabang in Laos.   I have to commend the ladies at Aeroplan for their wonderful customer service.

I have since spent every remaining minute on the couch watching way too much HGTV and getting my strength back.  Tomorrow is a new day!

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